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Present at World Energy Policy Summit, New Delhi

Leaders and participants from around the globe will be gathered in Dehli 6-7 februar to discuss topics like energy transition and reduction of emissions. The international summit seeks to bring together diverse views on various issues and developments that influence shaping policy by governments, companies and other entities pertaining to various sources of energy.

Ocean Hyway Cluster (OHC) is represented at the summit with Trond Stromgren, Head of R&D. Stromgren will deliver a speech on the topic Energy Transition - Maritime Hydrogen in Norway. The presentation gives an overview of the current situation, OHC`s national role, why transition takes place, ongoing actions and the need for international collaboration in order to reduce emissions from the maritime sector. Feel free to contact Mr. Stromgren if you are attending the conference.

During the following week Stromgren will have a tight schedule meeting business leaders and officials in Dehli, Mumbai and Chennai. Meetings and discussions will include topics such as use of hydrogen in transport, education and training, hydrogen from offshore wind and future business and university collaboration. Innovation Norway staff member Pankaj R. Patil from Mumbai office is organising the business program.

- Mr. Patil knows the Indian industry and official system very well and has done a great job with the program, says Trond Stromgren. - On behalf of all OHC members I look forward to gathering knowledge as basis for expanding the mutual business development, he adds.

December 10

Teknologiutvikling av hurtigbåter og ferger 2019

February 12

H2 Value Chain - Developing the Hydrogen Value Chain in Norway and Europe