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Webinar on Hydrogen Ferries

Orkney players have taken a leading role implementing renewable hydrogen into local community energy systems. This also includes hydrogen for transportation. Tuesday 7 April The Orkney Renewable Energy Forum (OREF) arranges a webinar with focus on hydrogen ferries. The webinar was originally planned as a physical meeting in Stromness.

Kirkwall-Shapinsay ferry. Photo credit: David Hibbert, Orkney Islands Council

Kirkwall-Shapinsay ferry. Photo credit: David Hibbert, Orkney Islands Council

The HyDIME project is now running in Orkney. Hydrogen is part of the vessel energy system by being injected into the auxiliary diesel combustion engine in the Kirkwall-Shapinsay ferry. In some years the Scottish HYSEAS III project will deliver a new built 100 % hydrogen propulsion ferry for use in the same route. In Norway several maritime hydrogen projects are being materialized.

The OREF webinar will be opened by board member Ian Johnston from Aquatera. Speaker David Hibbert from Orkney Islands Council will provide a presentation on the development in Hydrogen Ferries projects and future potential, including a review of historic developments over the last 10-15 years in fuel cells on small vessel projects. Hibbert is Technical Superintendent, Development & Infrastructure at the Marine Services department. Trond Strømgren from Ocean Hyway Cluster will present about ongoing Norwegian hydrogen vessel projects, regulations, key drivers, challenges and future possibilities for hydrogen in the maritime sector.

Registration and more information

If you want to participate in the webinar, please send a mail to

Facebook event with more information here.


Trond Strømgren
Senior Advisor Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Value Chain
+47 402 98 729

March 4


April 15

Webinar Pilot - E utlysning 2020: Utslippsfri maritim transport