HTwo-Fuel has joined the cluster


HTwo-Fuel plans to establish hydrogen production, strategically located in the shipping lane between the major ports of Bergen and Florø. We are glad to announce that they have joined the cluster.


HTwo-Fuel aims to be the preferred supplier of green energy carriers to offtakers who commit to emission reduction and zero emission. This will be done by producing green hydrogen and ammonia at our strategic location by the Sognefjord. Their primary focus is to supply the maritime market as well as export to large consumers in European ports.

Tor Gjertsen, Managing Director in HTwo-Fuel.

“As well as strengthening our project for hydrogen- and ammonia production, we are currently focusing on cooperation with industrial actors who finds Lutelandet an attractive location for industrial symbiosis. That way the industry can expand their value chain, in addition to exploit and utilize resources across production”, says Tor Gjertsen, Managing Director in HTwo-Fuel.


Large industrial investments

Blastr Green Steel recently signed an agreement with Lutelandet Offshore Site & Drydock and HTwo-Fuel as an alternative location for a green steel pellets plant. The plant will employ around 120 people and generate a substantial number of indirect jobs and economic activity in the surrounding area. A final investment decision for the pellet plant is expected in 2025, with estimated investments of over EUR 1 billion, subject to relevant permits and agreements.

The possible location for a green steel pellets plant, with estimated investments of over EUR 1 billion. Credit: LLOF


Why did you want to be a part of the cluster?

“We wanted to become a part of the maritime cluster to connect with the whole value chain of hydrogen and ammonia. Ocean Hyway Cluster plays a key role in establishing collaborations and networks for producers, off-takers and suppliers within the hydrogen sphere. It is just like we are in a cluster/stream with many other players who work with the same goal. We are very much looking forward to starting our work and collaboration with Ocean Hyway Cluster and other members”, says Gjertsen.

Join the cluster

Curious about a membership in Ocean Hyway Cluster? More information here.


Maria Benæs Hunvik

Communications Advisor

+47 954 57 606


Cluster catch-up: Hydrogenious LOHC Maritime


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