Se EU ETS webinaret i reprise


Please note that the recording is in Norwegian.

Maritime sector will from 2024 be included in the EU ETS, what does that entail? Ocean Hyway Cluster and Greenfact hosted a webinar about how the Emissions Trading System works, what determines the pricing dynamics, and how the phasing of marine emissions will affect the EU ETS. If you didn’t attend the webinar and want to learn more about it, the recording is now publicly available.

Kva betyr det at maritim sektor blir inkludert i EUs kvotehandelssystem? Fredag 17. februar arrangerte Ocean Hyway Cluster og Greenfact webinar om korleis kvotemarknaden fungerer, kva som påverkar prisdynamikk og korleis innfasing av marine utslepp vil påverke EU ETS. Opptak av webinaret er no tilgjengeleg under.

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Maria Brandsøy

Business Opportunity Manager
+47 905 23 543



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