We are off to ShipZero in Glasgow!
During the past months Ocean Hyway Cluster have been part of a planning committee for the event “ShipZero” coinciding COP26 in Glasgow November 1-3rd.
ShipZero is an event organized by Zero Emission Ship Technology Association (ZESTA). Zesta’s purpose is to promote rapid and large-scale uptake of Zero Emissions Ship Technology (ZEST). Ocean Hyway Cluster is both a member and sit on their advisory board. Maria Brandsøy in Ocean Hyway Cluster has been part of the planning committee for ShipZero and will participate physically in Glasgow. This event coincides COP 26 climate summit in Glasgow, where world leaders gather to accelerate action on climate change and commit to more ambitious cuts in emissions.
What will Ship Zero Deliver?
The event focuses on brainstorming and discussions as it aims to chart a course to true zero emissions using the waypoints of existing technologies and innovations, combining perspectives and experiences from a wide range of industry stakeholders to plot a course through the stormy seas of regulation, finance, new technological developments and fuel uncertainty. The deliverable will be a collaborative and interactive navigational chart (‘Charging to True Zero°’), to be shared with COP26 delegates, shipping and energy industry stakeholders as well as being delivered to the IMO, in both written report and film formats.
Norway well represented
Norway claims its role as one of the global maritime leaders by being heavily represented in the event. Several cluster members are present as speakers, such as Hexagon Purus, Powercell and Hyex.
Are you in Glasgow? Feel free to reach out to Maria!