Call for Topics – Maritime Hydrogen and Marine Energy Conference
Get ready for the 6th International Conference on Maritime Hydrogen and Marine Energy October 19-20, 2021. The program committee has now started the work to offer you the best program ever. We want your input on topics!
The conference gathers professionals from around the world. Last year 260 persons from 20 nations gathered digitally. What do you want to be on this year’s agenda? Please give us your suggestions for topics and speakers within February 10 by mail or web.
Main Themes
The conference has four sessions covering the main themes 1) Zero emission vessels, 2) port infrastructure, 3) Marine energy and 4) Energy islands.
Every session will have four keynote speakers and two panel discussions. In addition, there will be two workshop sessions each day, bringing relevant topics to the stage for discussions and conclusions. The 2021 conference will also be digital.
Program Committee
We have completed a strong program committee. The members are:
Jon Clipsham, Principal Consultant, Advisian, Orkney
Kristina Wittmeyer, Business Opportunity Manager Hydrogen, Shell
Owe Hagesæther, CEO, GCE Ocean Technology
Ragnhild Janbu Fresvik, Konserndirektør Bedriftsmarked, Sparebanken Vest
Trond Strømgren, Head R&D, Ocean Hyway Cluster
Ulf Eriksen, VP Hydrogen, Statkraft
The program committee is working to offer you the best program ever. The goal is to have the program ready by mid-April.
Give us your input!
The conference will address relevant challenges and ongoing projects. You can contribute to a magnificent and powerful program by giving us valuable input. All input will be handled confidentially. Please do not hesitate to send us your suggestions for topics and speakers within deadline February 10.
Look here for last year’s conference program.
We would love to hear your input on the topics.
Questions or comments?
Feel free to get in touch.