

HyFuel AS is a joint venture between INC Invest (Fjord Base), Sogn og Fjordane Energi and Gasnor. Hyfuel aim to produce sustainable green hydrogen at Fjord Base. HyFuel will develop, own, and operate a plant for producing hydrogen and hydrogenation of Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC).

The production is planned to include an industrial symbiosis with the land-based fish farm at Gaddholmen, to exploit the oxygen and waste heat. The company will deliver hydrogen and in longer term hydrogenated LOHC to marine transportation at home and abroad.


  • HyFuel is one of five to receive support from Enova to establish hydrogen production hubs (23.06.22).

  • Hyfuel and Ocean Hyway Cluster are one of 15 to be chosen for Enovas “Pre-project Hydrogen for maritime use” (27.09.21).

Area designated for hydrogen production

Area designated for hydrogen production




Would you like more information about this project? Feel free to contact Maria Brandsøy

Maria Brandsøy.jpg

Maria Brandsøy

Business Opportunity Manager
Ocean Hyway Cluster
+47 90 52 35 43


Ammonia Fuel Bunkering Network


Zero Emission Tug