10 Biggest News Stories
2022 was a hectic year for companies in the hydrogen value chain in Norway. Here are the 10 most popular news stories from Ocean Hyway Cluster in 2022.
The 10 Biggest News Stories Of 2022
The hydrogen maps of Ocean Hyway Cluster have received a warm welcome from the member companies. Now the cluster is making the maps accessible to anyone curious about zero-emission transport.
HAV Hydrogen is set to launch a deck-based containerized hydrogen (H2) energy system for ships in order to fast-track the commercial use of hydrogen as ship fuel.
The world's first carbon-free ammonia fuel bunker network is arriving in Scandinavia. Yara International has pre-ordered 15 floating bunkering terminals from Azane Fuel Solutions enabling shipping fleets’ uptake of green ammonia as fuel.
Torsdag 10. Mars signerte klynga Ocean Hyway Cluster ein partnarskapsavtale med Equinor og Neptune Energy som set i gang programmet Zero Emission Supply Chain.
Trondheim og Bergen får kvart sitt forskningssenter, og mottar til saman 310 millioner kroner for å styrke Norges forskningsinnsats på hydrogen dei neste åtte åra.
The Norwegian Ship Design Company have had great success and are chosen for two of the most prestigious hydrogen vessel contracts in Norway. We are excited to welcome them as a member of Ocean Hyway Cluster.
SINTEF will work on solving research hurdles linked to the use of ammonia as a zero-emission fuel for the shipping sector.
Tuesday morning Statens Vegvesen and Torghatten Nord signed the contract to operate Vestfjordstrekninga from 2025. The ferries will run on hydrogen.
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Siri Odijk Solbakken
Communications Advisor
+47 977 53 065