Aragon joins the cluster
Aragon, an engineering and EPC company with a high focus on providing holistic solutions to the market for green fuel production, has joined the cluster.
HYON enters collaboration agreement with Mitsui
HYON enters a collaboration agreement with the Japanese trading and investment company Mitsui & Co., Ltd. Together, the parties aim to venture into business opportunities related to establishing hydrogen fueling infrastructure in Europe, Asia or any other geographies with potential hydrogen demand.
Hexagon Purus Maritime receives inaugural order for hydrogen cylinders for maritime applications
Hexagon Purus Maritime, a fully owned subsidiary of Hexagon Purus, has received an inaugural order for cylinders to be used in onboard storage of hydrogen in maritime vessels.
Norwegian Hydrogen AS announces Nordic collaboration to forge a network of hydrogen refueling stations
Norwegian Hydrogen AS, FirstElement Fuel Inc. and Mitsui & Co., Ltd. have signed a co-operation agreement to develop a hydrogen refueling infrastructure and accelerate the zero-emission hydrogen transportation market in the Nordic countries.
HAV Group receives preliminary approval for hydrogen-based energy system for ships
HAV Group ASA has been granted preliminary approval for the hydrogen-based energy system developed in the FreeCO2ast project. The approval is a major step towards the commercial use of hydrogen fuel by a commercial vessel.
Mottar støtte til å auke samarbeid om hydrogen mellom næringsliv og utdanningssektoren
Ocean Hyway Cluster og HVL mottar 600.000 frå Sparebankstiftinga Sogn og Fjordane til prosjektet «økt samarbeid om hydrogen mellom næringsliv og UH-sektoren i SF». Prosjektet har som mål å auke innovasjonssamarbeidet mellom bedrifter i regionen og universitet- og høgskulesektoren om hydrogen og hydrogenteknologi.
Gen2 Energy, HYON and ASCO partner to establish Green Arctic HyHub
Gen2 Energy AS, HYON AS and ASCO Norge have together applied for soft funding from Enova for a hydrogen hub for maritime transport in Nordland, named the Green Artic HyHub. The hydrogen hub will include large scale production of compressed hydrogen in Mosjøen and bunkering sites for maritime transport in Sandnessjøen and Mosjøen.
Klyngesamarbeid styrker eksportlandslaget for hydrogen
Ocean Hyway Cluster, i lag med fleire andre norske klynger, vant nyleg eit High Potential Opportunities (HPO) anbod frå Innovasjon Norge. Saman skal klyngene bidra til å posisjonere norsk industri mot hydrogenutviklinga i Tyskland, samt sikre store eksportkontrakter til Norge.
Finansieringsmoglegheiter med frist før sommaren
Er du usikker på kva finansieringsordningar som har frist fram mot sommaren? Vi har samla relevante finansieringsmoglegheiter for hydrogen, slik at du enklare får ei oversikt?
Collaboration on CO2 management in Øygarden
CCB Energy Holding and Northern Lights JV will facilitate the development of a CO2 value chain for local and regional industry in Øygarden, including handling and processing of CO2 deliveries to the Northern Lights receiving terminal.
Vi søker prosjektutvikler!
Ønsker du å bli med på laget? Her får du en sentral rolle som fagressurs og utvikler innen tekniske spørsmål og løsninger. Vi verdsetter gode mellommenneskelige egenskaper, evne til samhandling og god kommunikasjon.
Cluster Catch-Up: CCB Energy
“With our ongoing project to establish hydrogen production through our company H2 Production, we will be one of the first actors to commercially offer hydrogen in Norway”.
Gen2 Energy partner with Sirius Design & Integration to develop world’s first carrier for hydrogen
Cluster member Gen2 Energy AS has signed a contract with Sirius Design & Integration AS for the design of two specialized ships for transport of large quantities of containers with compressed hydrogen.
The world's first hydrogen - powered cargo ship receives NOK 104 million in support from Enova
This means that Egil Ulvan Rederi can build the zero-emission cargo ship With Orca. A cargo ship that will sail on a long-term contract for HeidelbergCement and Felleskjøpet Agri, and is scheduled to be put into operation in 2024.
BSM and Amon Maritime establish ship management joint venture in Norway
Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) and the Norwegian ammonia specialist Amon Maritime have announced the creation of a 50/50 joint venture “Ula Ship Management” during Nor-Shipping in Oslo.
Yara International and Azane Fuel Solutions to launch world's first green ammonia bunkering network to the shipping industry
The world's first carbon-free ammonia fuel bunker network is arriving in Scandinavia. Yara International has pre-ordered 15 floating bunkering terminals from Azane Fuel Solutions enabling shipping fleets’ uptake of green ammonia as fuel.
Opnar hydrogenkart gjennom abonnementsløysing
Ocean Hyway Cluster har opplevd stor interesse rundt dei interaktive karta. No gjer vi dei tilgjengeleg for alle gjennom ei abonnementsløysing.
Green Hydrogen Systems receives another order from Liquiline for a new project in Norway
Green Hydrogen Systems has signed an agreement with Liquiline for delivering electrolysis equipment for a project in Norway with Dalane Energi as the end customer. Hydrogen Solutions (HYDS) and the Port of Egersund are also closely involved in the project.
Gen2 Energy successfully completes NOK 150 million share offering
Gen2 Energy AS announced that they have raised approximately NOK 150 million through a private placement of new shares.
Set i gang program for nullutslepp forsyningskjede i Florø
Torsdag 10. Mars signerte klynga Ocean Hyway Cluster ein partnarskapsavtale med Equinor og Neptune Energy som set i gang programmet Zero Emission Supply Chain.