Cluster Catch-Up: Hafslund Eco
In order to reach a future that is fully renewable, with zero emissions, we believe that we need an efficient global market for hydrogen. Not just to decarbonize the “hard-to-electrify” sectors, but also to ensure access to renewable power everywhere.
TrønderEnergi and HitecVision announce a new nordic renewables company
The establishment of the new renewables company, where both parties hold 50 percent ownership, will enable TrønderEnergi and the energy-focused fund manager HitecVision to take a significant position in renewable energy production, electrification, and energy efficiency.
Grønn plattform satsinga videreførast i 2022!
Grønn plattform er ei satsing som gir støtte til forskings- og innovasjonsdrevet grøn omstilling i næringslivet. Regjeringa øyremerker inntil 750 millionar til denne typen 3-årige grøne samarbeidsprosjekt.
Opprettar to nye forskningssenter på hydrogen
Trondheim og Bergen får kvart sitt forskningssenter, og mottar til saman 310 millioner kroner for å styrke Norges forskningsinnsats på hydrogen dei neste åtte åra.
Call for proposals: Europe is investing €300.5 million in clean hydrogen technologies
The Clean Hydrogen Partnership is launching its first call for proposals – over €300 million will be made available for supporting projects, in an unprecedented drive to boost the development of cutting-edge hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.
Norwegian zero-emission bulk carrier project awarded LR Approval in Principle
Innovative Egil Ulvan Rederi hydrogen-powered vessel will be fitted with two large rotor sails.
Enova styrker satsingen på ny teknologi i maritim sektor
Enova lanserer forprosjektstøtte til energi- og klimateknologi i maritim transport. Programmet vil etter planen bli lansert i løpet av mars/april 2022.
Cluster Catch-Up: Norwegian Hydrogen
“Green hydrogen is one of the main pillars of the EU Green Deal, and it is important that Norway sets the appropriate objectives and measure to support this important industry in its infancy.”
TECO2030 signs strategic cooperation agreement with Al Misehal Group
The strategic cooperation agreement aims to result in a Joint Venture between the parties with the purpose of conducting business which will reduce environmental impact in the KSA.
The Norwegian Ship Design Company joins the cluster
The Norwegian Ship Design Company have had great success and are chosen for two of the most prestigious hydrogen vessel contracts in Norway. We are excited to welcome them as a member of Ocean Hyway Cluster.
Vi ønsker å komme i kontakt med leverandører!
Vi ønsker å komme i kontakt med leverandører av produkter klargjort for hydrogen!
Aker Clean Hydrogen and Kuehne+Nagel to Accelerate Green Container Shipping
Aker Clean Hydrogen and Kuehne+Nagel are joining forces to decarbonize the maritime logistics sector by offering green container transport. The two companies envision the expansion of Kuehne+Nagel’s offer of green fuels such as hydrogen, ammonia and methanol.
Ocean Hyway Cluster releases its new Global Maritime Hydrogen Database
New interface and 115 vessels - Do you know where they all are? Find out here!
Fresh report points to hydrogen as a future industry in Norway
The fresh McKinsey report «Norge i morgen” presents an optimistic view of Norway in 2030 if “our potential is utilized to the fullest”.
Cluster Catch-Up: Brødrene Aa
“Hydrogen will be especially interesting when it can take advantage of the surplus of renewable energy production”.
Bergen Engines successfully runs engine on H2 blend with no hardware changes
Bergen Engines recently launched a comprehensive test programme towards zero carbon emission engines, allowing a gradual transition from liquid natural gas to 100% green hydrogen fuel, as and when it becomes commercially available.
SINTEF to research ammonia as a green shipping fuel
SINTEF will work on solving research hurdles linked to the use of ammonia as a zero-emission fuel for the shipping sector.
Contract for Vestfjorden signed
Tuesday morning Statens Vegvesen and Torghatten Nord signed the contract to operate Vestfjordstrekninga from 2025. The ferries will run on hydrogen.
HYON AS announces successful private placement of NOK 50 million and intention to list on Euronext Growth
HYON AS announces the successful completion of a private placement of NOK 50 million, valuing the company at NOK 130 million. The company has an intention to have its shares shortly admitted to trading on Euronext Growth.
Norway’s future hydrogen hubs
Ocean Hyway Cluster has mapped the latest hydrogen infrastructure initiatives along the Norwegian coast as part of its HyInfra project.