Er du vår nye senior prosjektutvikler?
Aktiviteten i Ocean Hyway Cluster er stadig økende, og derfor søker vi nå etter Senior prosjektutvikler med arbeidssted Florø eller Bergen.
TECO 2030 signs MoU with Gen2 Energy
Teco 2030 ASA and Gen2 Energy signs a Memorandium of Understanding to cooperate on relevant projects where green hydrogen is needed for fuel cells.
Technical Deep Dive: Teco 2030
Technical Deep Dive is a new column where we go deeper into the latest technical innovations being carried out by our cluster members. First up is Teco 2030!
Enova grants more than 1 billion NOK to three industrial projects. Hydrogen is the climate solution in all three projects
The companies behind the projects receiving the grants from Enova are Yara Norge AS, Tizir Titanium & Iron AS and Horisont Energi AS.
Christmas greetings and a look back at 2021
Stein Kvalsund, CEO in Ocean Hyway Cluster, looks back and summarize 2021.
Viridis Bulk Carriers granted public funding to build ammonia-powered vessels
Ammonia-powered shipping company Viridis Bulk Carriers and consortium partners are awarded NOK 13.75 million in development funding from the Norwegian Pilot-E program.
Cluster Catch-up: HYON
“Introduction of hydrogen-based fuels is the single most important mean to cut emissions in a sector that currently emits 1,1 billion metric tons of CO2 per year.”
André Risholm nominated to Young Entrepreneurs
André Risholm is nominated for the award Young Entrepreneurs. He is the CEO and founder of cluster member Amon Maritime and a part of our cluster board.
Global Growth – Singapore Maritime Digitalisation and Decarbonisation
Singapore is the leading maritime capital of the world, and it is in the process of transforming its maritime industry through digitalisation and decarbonisation.
Destinasjon Grønt Vestland mottar støtte frå Vestland fylkeskommune
I September 2021 søkte klynga om midlar til programmet Destinasjon Grønt Vestland, og fekk før helga beskjed om at søknaden vart innvilga. Dette sikrar at programmet kan arbeide vidare med å utvikle grøne maritime reiselivskonsept i Vestland fylke.
Are you interested in coming with us to the Orkney islands?
Then we want to hear from you! Over the past years we have organized study tours to Orkney islands to meet leading renewable players and learn about wave and tidal power, hydrogen production, storage, and use.
Torghatten Nord winner of the tender on Vestfjordstrekninga
Statens Vegvesen have chosen Torghatten Nord as the winner of the tender to host the ferry Bodø-Røst-Verøy-Moskenes. The contract is for 15 years, from 1. October 2025 to 30. September 2040, with an option for a year, says Statens Vegvesen in a press release. Statens Vegvesen received five offers, from four actors.
I gang med konseptutredning i Destinasjon Grønt Flåm
Før sommaren samla Ocean Hyway Cluster relevante aktørar frå reiselivsnæringa til workshop i Flåm. No er ein i gang med konseptutredning for å sikre turisme i området etter nullutsleppskrava som kjem i verdsarvfjordane i 2026.
1st Brazilian Norwegian Hydrogen Forum
Brazil is one of the most relevant export markets for the Norwegian industry with more than 100 companies established in the country. Learn more about the hydrogen opportunities in Brazil in the 1st Brazilian Norwegian Hydrogen Forum.
Sjå HyAqua webinaret i reprise
Tysdag 30. November arrangerte Ocean Hyway Cluster webinar om framtidas fiskeri og havbruksflåte. Over 40 deltakarar samla seg for å høyre forskarar, skipsdesignarar og næringa snakke rundt temaet. No er det også mogleg for medlemmer å sjå det i reprise.
TECO 2030 is leader in project that will build a hydrogen-powered high-speed vessel
The Port of Narvik in northern Norway needs a new workboat which should be both fast and emissions-free. Together with eight project partners, they are now seeking public funding to build one of the world’s first hydrogen-powered, high-speed vessels.
THE FULL STORY: Panel Debate - Meet the global leaders making the first green waves
During the maritime conference we were unable to get the input from two of our world leading panellists due to technical issues. We are delighted to now publish the full story – interviews, together with the recording from the conference. Together this gives THE FULL STORY.
Cluster Catch-up: Varanger KraftHydrogen
“We believe that supporting large scale projects will introduce economies of scale and increased innovation in technology and implementation – thus pushing the prices down for future projects”.
Ocean Hyway Cluster receives Arena Pro status!
In September Ocean Hyway Cluster and 13 other clusters applied for Arena Pro status through Norwegian Innovation Cluster. Yesterday, Ocean Hyway Cluster announced that it is one of four clusters to receive Arena Pro status.
Unitrove unveils world's first liquid hydrogen bunkering facility.
Clean energy solutions provider Unitrove today unveiled the world’s first liquid hydrogen bunkering facility for fuelling zero-emission ships at the COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow.