– The greatest climate project in Norwegian industry ever
The Norwegian Government launches ‘Longship’ for carbon capture and storage. – Longship is the greatest climate project in Norwegian industry ever, says Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Tina Bru.
BeHydro launch world's first 1MW hydrogen dual-fuel engine
The first hydrogen-powered dual-fuel engine with a capacity of 1 megawatt was launched 17.09 by BeHydro, a joint venture between Belgian-based ABC and CMB.
Connect with and learn from Hydrogen Players at Orkney
Orkney players have done a lot of technology development and piloting within renewable energy and local hydrogen energy systems. It’s now time to share experiences!
30 Days Left!
In 30 days, world-leading players will give you the latest news about hydrogen and marine energy!
f-cell+HFC 2020 - The Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Event
Ocean Hyway Cluster is represented at the large annual hydrogen and fuel cell conference in Vancouver, Canada. Our Trond Strømgren is keynote speaker and will present about maritime hydrogen activities and projects in Norway.
Increased interest for Hydrogen Technology Study
The number of applicants, wanting to study Hydrogen Technology at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), has more than doubled since the class was established in 2019.
Great membership growth in Ocean Hyway Cluster
Ocean Hyway Cluster are approaching 50 member companies in the cluster!
Joint venture for hydrogen production in Florø
The companies INC Invest AS and Sogn og Fjordane Energi AS (SFE) have founded the company HyFuel with the aim of establishing a hydrogen production plant at Fjord Base in Florø, they write in a press release.
National Focus on Maritime Hydrogen
Ocean Hyway Cluster (OHC) leads a consortium aiming to deliver a pilot hydrogen powered high speed passenger vessel for the Florø-Måløy/Selje route in Western Norway. Leading Labour Party politicians were today, 26th of August, presented for the plans during a visit in Florø.
60 days left to the 5th International Conference on Maritime Hydrogen & Marine Energy
The date for the conference in October is getting closer and closer. Ocean Hyway Cluster and GCE Ocean Technology are this year offering the conference as a digital solution. This gives us new opportunities and the program this year is better than ever.
38 millionar til tre nye hydrogenprosjekt
Regjeringa tildeler til saman 38 millionar kroner til tre prosjekt som skal gje nye løysingar innan hydrogen.
77 millioner i støtte til utslippsfri hydrogenproduksjon
CCB har inngått samarbeid med ZEG Power for å etablere produksjon av karbonnøytralt hydrogen fra naturgass. Enova støtter prosjektet med 77 millioner!
Storskala hydrogentester gir trygg teknologiutvikling
Rykende ferske resultater fra hydrogentester i storskala skal bidra til bedre kunnskap om sikkerhet og utforming av kommende hydrogensystemer.
- Lønnsemd og berekraft går hand i hand
Ein berekraftig, sirkulær og lønsam forretningsmodell stod i fokus på “Berekraft som konkurransekraft” 18. og 23. juni.
Dansk-norsk satsing på småkraft: – Hydrogen representerer et stort potensial
Hittil har det vært utfordrende å finne utstyr for produksjon av hydrogen ved småkraftverk. Men nå ønsker norske Liquiline og danske Green Hydrogen Systems å gjøre noe med dette.
50% discount if you buy tickets before July 1st
We are pleased to invite you to the 5th International Conference on Maritime Hydrogen and Marine Energy! Did you know you'll get a 50% discount if you buy tickets before July 1st?
Orkney Hydrogen Relations
Friday 26 June, EMEC runs a one-hour webinar “Responsible EU Islands: Decarbonising Lifeline Services in Orkney using Hydrogen”. The webinar will give you updates on some of the hydrogen projects EMEC are involved in, particularly R&D work being done in aviation and marine hydrogen projects.
Russian Focus on Decarbonisation
Decarbonisation of Russian transport sector can lead to significantly reduced emissions. Norwegian maritime players are ready to contribute with technical solutions.
India – Norway: Hydrogen and Energy Transition in Maritime Industry
The Ocean Hyway Cluster’s visit to India in February this year has led to collaboration activities. On Friday 19 June we will present at a webinar for 250 Indian students and officials about hydrogen as maritime fuel and the latest developments in Norway’s maritime industry.